perm filename TEA[00,BGB] blob sn#061591 filedate 1973-09-08 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	MIND AND MATTER.
C00005 00003		Philosophy,  mirabule dictu,  has many  definitions  ! It  is
C00010 ENDMK

	, the solution to  the mind-matter problem is
that  mind is software running  in hardware which is  made of matter.
For me,  the  problem  of matter  and  mind  is to  give  a  specific
definition of the  two terms and to explain  the experiences commonly
associated with the terms.

	Now  with respect to  intellectual entities, (you  and me and
potentially the PDP-10 serial  #32) the hardware consists  of memory,
interpreter  and IO-equipment.   The mind  or software consists  of a
goal seeking world simulator.  The world simulator program  simulates
the reality world and a number of fantasy  worlds.  The reality world
simulation is kept  closely in sync with perceived data and gives the
mind or self those nice displays  of its immediate here and now,   as
well as that  private monologue called the  stream of counsciousness,
as  well as  an emotional  now feeling  which remains when  you close
your eyes and stop your little voice(s). When the  simulator stops as
when you  faint, or are  gassed, drugged, or  struck unconscious; the
mind (job execution)  does not  exist for  a while  because the  goal
seeking world  simulator  is not  running; however  the  mind can  be
continued because  the hardware memory persists  inert thru time even
without the  simulator. When  you are  asleep the  simulator can  run
without much sense data, this is  called dreaming.  When you are dead
the hardware memory and interpreter and mind have been destroyed.
	Philosophy,  mirabule dictu,  has many  definitions  ! It  is
that  of which  I shall  be officially declared  a doctor;  being not
medicine,  law or theology.  It  is that which is love or pursuit  of
wisdom. It is  the search for truth through  logical reasoning rather
than  factual  analysis.  It  is a  two  thousand  year  tradition of
nettled literature  written  by cranky  old men.  The  notion of  "my
philosophy" expounded  above is that corresponding  to crank personal
opinion (weltanschauung) without any supporting scientific  evidence.
In this sense, for  me the philosophical problem is solved,  I have a
working  explaination  which  is to  me  personally  satisfactory and
which suggests a number of experiments and projects.

	I challenge you, Yorick Wilks,  to state what for you is  the
philosophical  problem with  respect to  mind and  matter (or  if you
prefer) what is the mind and matter problem of "Philosophy".

	Now  in  order to  make  my opinion  of mind  and  matter the
scientifically accepted  solution to  the mind and  matter problem  I
believe  that first I  have to  construct a  robot which  will indeed
have an internal mind experience like I have. However, making such  a
robot is  not  fully convincing  (no matter  how well  it passes  the
Turing test)  but is merely an exercise for  my next two hacks, which
would be to connect  myself to the robot  so that I could  experience
its mind and finally to look  at the minute physical operations of my
own  mind. In this I would  be me the observer,  me the robot, and me
the brain surgeon  who is sticking  a probe into  his own head.  This
for me corresponds to your  "Crucial Argument" and I surely will then
have the  "Necessary Authority"  to say  whether the  physical  world
states, as I probe  around, correspond to my internal  mind states or
to  the  internal  mind  states  of  my  robot  which  is  a  smaller
intellectual entity than myself.  The matter would be  scientifically
public  in that  I would  publish what  apparatus and  procedures you
could  follow in  order  to connect  your mind  to a  small synthetic
intellectual entity (or even a natural intellectual entity  such as a
cat  or a  worm).  At that  point Yorick  can  take it  or  leave it;
although Macays' argument  of total self  comprehension in real  time
is indeed a  paradox; I as a  super human cyborg robot  android could
feel that  my "macay total" scientific comprehension  of a human mind
is a scientifically valid explaination of my mind to  an intellectual
entity larger  than myself  although necessarily inaccessible  to me.
(Well now a PDP-8 is a simple totally explicable mind to a CDC-6600.)